Thursday, July 28

Of Jimmy Choos and Cavallis

Yes, she wears those big goggles that scream 'Roberto' and 'Cavalli' all over. Yes, she flaunts a leather handbag (17000£ btw), big enough to accomodate her younger daughter inside it ( She's happily married you pervs!) and equally audacious to have the Greenpeace stage their typical (I find it Kinky though *winks*) nude-protests at the door of her Swanky Lahore residence the very next day. So, whats the fuss about it?  We, the Indian Media are so much obsessed with the Austere-Shastra that  we train guns on almost anyone we can. I mean, what is the point in contrasting her flamboyance to the perils of her country? She has a rich dad. Deal with it guys. Mind you, she's more than a  pretty face. An economist by training (Courtesy the Americans, who else?), she was the first lady to present the Budget speech in the Parliament of her land. Beat that.
A lot of people complain that Indian men are going bonkers over her and in the whole process are defaming the sacred ladies of our own land. Lets face it, appreciating beauty is no crime and someone has to be prettier than the rest. That ways, our ladies are nowhere close to her. Not even the one who gets her statue erected (read: constructed) in every nook and corner of Uttar Pradesh at the drop of a hat or even the one who makes a nice spoof of Being Human by auctioning her eccentric Canvasses at even more eccentric prices. Offence intended on this one.

If only she didn't have any political baggage on her, things would have been different, I believe. 

PS- The rest can begin whacking the rotten testicles of that section of the Indian media which has been awesomely irresponsible in carrying out its journalistic duties. For example: 

Till then, Good night (pause) and good luck.


Saru Singhal said...

Oh she is so beautiful, Indian are good at criticizing and bad at admiring. She has achieved a lot plus she is beautiful...Admire it...

Sampad Acharya said...

@Saru- I can't agree any more. :)