Sunday, October 10

Ab, Bus - Public Transport Gets a Whole New Face For Bhubaneswar

Gone are the days when one used to wait for like decades for an auto or have a tough time bargaining with the auto-wallah (read: cabbie) over the fare. If you are still not getting of what i'm talking about, then for your information organized public transport had its inception at the city of Bhubaneswar, India in form of a City-wide Bus service.
This is a small yet a audacious step for Bhubaneswar and means quite a lot for its denizens. :)
This is surely something we denizens could take pride of in a while. Agree?
So, here's a small but packed info on all about the Bus Service that was rolled out today on a Public-Private Partnership basis.
It is a organized city-wide transport service comprising of twenty buses that would ply on Two distinct routes. The first route would be from NandanKanan Zoological Park to Biju Patnaik Airport with the buses numbered 207 and the second route is supposed to stretch from VSS Nagar to Dumduma with the buses numbered 40.
The tariff for the tickets is as low as Rs.2 and depends and is proportionate upon the distance one travels.
Holy Smokes!, thats surely economical, eh?
Here is the route plan for both the routes.

Bus no.207:
Nandankanan-Raghunathpur-Nandan Vihar-KiiT Square-Patia-Damana Square-Chandrasekharpur-Kalinga Hospital-Fortune Towers-Jayadav Vihar Square-AG Colony-Kalinga Stadium-Shastri Nagar-Kalinga Enclave-Rabindra Mandap-Master Canteen-Rajmahal Square-Forest Park-Airport.

Bus no.405:
VSS Nagar-FCI Godown-Satsang Vihar-Vani Vihar-Ram Mandir-Master Canteen-Rajmahal Square-Forest Park-Palashpalli-Bhimtangi-Lingaraj Road PH-Pokhariput-Jagmohan Nagar-Jagamara-Khandagiri Square-Kolathia-Dumduma Colony 

Have a Nice ride! :)

PS- The author of this blog that is me is having a very bad writer's block. Feeling guilty about the fact that my blog has been dead for a while, this is all i could come up with.
To all my readers, i know you would want my ass kicked for not posting pieces and poems anymore, but please bear with me for a while's time and take a vacation. Cheers :)
I should be up with something very soon.

Disclaimer- The information issued in this post is solely for informational and educational purposes and is solely for the benefit of the general public of Bhubaneswar.
This is not an Official Statement or a Notification and this post is by no means published or sponsored by the concerned authorities. Hence, Agent Literateur shall be held responsible for any kind of loss connected to this post.

©Text and Photos- Agent Literateur, 2008-2010

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