Wednesday, December 23

eMoTiOnAL AtTYacHAaRR...

"Faala(read-Saala:P)...aaji eve ta poora barbaad hei gala!!(buddy...dis evening was a waste)"...Patel said as he lit up another Davidoff.The strobe lasers behind the DJ's deck were flashing on our corner and the smoke from his cig reddened up which would have resembled blood if it ever had a gaseous state :P.Yes we were at Ten Downing Street....

A much awaited rock gig of the town had got delayed and this pissed us off, actually dissappointed us.Yes,a pretty known B-School of the country-XIM,had dissappointed us, ditched us officially. Who on the earth would like to watch a gig if you start the sound-check at 9:30pm,that too with two of the performing bands backing-off at the eleventh hour?OK,enough of the Journo stuff,coming to the point we were in no mood to wait.So we left ASAP.

Finally the five moody emotional bastards-Raan,Patel,Ahmed,Casanova,Moi headed towards TDS,that too on a friday-night which meant not a weekend,a bit cheap booze,shit music,no eventually no legs and thighs as Raan lamented :(. As we entered the pub,we seemed like Gorrillas in Antartica. There 'actually' were no partying people out there.All i could see were a band of waiters who seemed unemployed, for the night.They were busy watching some stupid soap on a silver-bordered flat panel.Somebody should teach this people to not watch such stuff atleast on a TV like this,else i would send a few ninjas to shove off these people's as*#$, would love to actually. We chose a table and parked our asses. A group of who seemed like corporate people complete in their suit-boots sat on a far-end.They seemed pretty unstable,emotionally.All of them were actually crying in a sync(BOOZE WORKS WONDERS!!!). Imagine such people who run companies and stuff, whom other people envy and perceive as emotionally-challenged individuals were actually weeping.To me,it seemed like a the group of those senior-citizen uncles who sat at my neighbourbood park in the evenings talking about what new tantrums their daughters-in-law threw in,how their scheming sons used to cunningly sneak out their pension-books and draw out money,how soon would their medicines get over and stuff before breaking into a melancholy.

So where was I? yes TDS.Such sights worsened our moods.Being honest,the thought of these senior citizens aggravated mine.I was in my all time low maybe.Somebody among us started crying,don't rememeber who.I didn't care.(NO!!..of course,it wasn't me!!)

"Dude...whatever respect i had for XIM,i just lost it an hour ago.",Casanova said Patel as he took a sip of his Lemon-soda."Point...","So toh hai..", Me and Ahmed replied in reflex.Nobody had booze that night because we were not in a mood to.
Something needed to rescue us.....SOMETHING,SOMEBODY.

Then played a track called "Right Round->Flo-Rida|OST-The Hangover".All of us jumped off our chairs and headed towards the floor,our lemon soda glasses in our hands intact.It was just five of us there,yes we were the 'crowd' tonight, everyone's 'entertainment' tonight.The DJ had RESCUED us.A guy with his son,a 4-5 year old kid joined us.This kid a few minutes ago had snatched his dad's vodka peg and when denied,he started crying.It took his mother's all emotional strength(emotions again!!) to calm him down.Kids you know.

And all that it took to lift our spirits was this track.All the 5 of us love this track in particular and i guess i don't need to say anything about the movie.Ahmed has watched the movie a good 39 times.Still if i sound nuts to you people, please take the pain of you-tubing "The Hangover-Theaterical Trailer".One of my fav movies ever.Watch the teaser if you haven't yet...its worth every mb downloaded.

More emotions??Anyone??

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