Sunday, October 5

Memories With a Chair

The chair you see in this picture is no ordinary one. I don't mean to say that it possesses extraordinary supernatural powers or something of that kinda shit, but those who assume it to be, please go and tighten your nuts.Then we will talk. By stating its non-ordinary i wish to say that this uncommon object which you see in the photo is a part of my life which was noticed lately. otherwise who the hell on this planet would spend such time blogging on nothing but a plastic chair. This thing stands witness to a numerous events and tales in my life and my family.

October of 1986- my dad was pursuing his B.Com at the Ravenshaw Unitary University,cuttack and he had shifted to a newly constructed hostel block in the campus which was a privilege at that time. privilege meant it had 24-hrs. electricity supply(at that peiod of time) , regular water supply and its proximity to the campus girls hostel which was a stone's throw away from this block. rest all was ok but the rooms didn't have chairs while they had study tables( how strange??). The warden had instructed all students to get their own chairs. Now it was a nightmare for my dad who used to blow most of his money on evening movies at the theatre nearby. On the top of that he could not do without a chair as he was accustomed to it. Hell he could'nt afford a wooden chair as they were pretty costly. one Friday evening while returning from his usual cinema outing from the theatre with friends he saw this 7450 model cello plastic chair which was new to the market. He made up his mind to buy it at once. This is how this chair was bought into our family.

july of 1992- i was a few months old by now and dad had found a job in the capital which meant we had to shift from cuttack. So when we shifted; me, my mom came here with my grandma.Later my mom said that dad tied the chair to the pillion of his bike and rode all the way to Bhubaneswar as it was impossible to get it in the car which was already loaded with a family of four plus their belongings.

sometime in 1997- i was around 5 or 6 then when i had a loads of toys around day due to some mischief of mine, mom put my favourite toy car on the top of the fridge which was impossible to reach with my height. Hence i searched for something with the help of which i could reach to the fridge top and retrieve my toy. i scanned the room and found the CHAIR. I got it beside the fridge, climbed on it and was just a few inches from my toy when i lost my blance and fell...DHADAAAAMMM!!!!. I had broken my ankle. LOL

december of 2006- my 10th boards were a few months away and preparations were heating up. I had shifted to a new room in the house and an astrologer had advised me to study on a chair and a table for better concentration. Now how stupid is that?? well my dad insisted and i agreed. Then came a chair...and it was the same chair which my dad had used during his early years. After a few years of exile in the family store room it again got back to business. To me it was like something emerging from nowhere!!

october 2008- its dushera time and the whole house had to be cleaned spanning from the toilets to the patio to the storeroom. while me and my cousins were doing the store room cleaning task, i came across this chair. those nostalgic moments linked to it were again refreshed in my mind.


Illeen said...

sweet..I personally feel attached to lots of my stuff,some of which have been a companion for last 18 years or so.. take for example a blanket and a toy car(my first toy)..

keep posting!!looking forward to more.
n thanx for following my blog.:)

Sampad Acharya said...

thanx a lot 4 da comment....